
Preset Themes

Preset Solarized themes were created by Ethan Schoonover; preset Lunarized themes were created by me. Read the home page for more information.

Accessible-Friendly Themes

Accessible-friendly themes choose foreground and accent colors based on their contrast ratios with the background color.

  • recommended over Modified Lunarized Light
  • recommended over Modified Solarized Dark
Create Your Own Theme

<tag attribute="value value">content &amp; more</tag>
<!-- HTML comment -->
<style scoped>
  /* block comment */
  .class {
    // inline comment
    property: value;
    property: 48px;
    .command(argument, 'string');
    &:pseudo { property: value; }
  function Person(name) { // constructor for class `Person`
    this.greetings = [ 'hello!', 'hi!', handshake ];
  function TestSubject(name, adopted) { // constructor for class `TestSubject`, name, adopted); // calls the parent constructor
    if (typeof adopted === 'boolean') {
      this.is_adopted = adopted;
    } else this.is_adopted = false;
  this.location = { name: 'Aperture Science Enrichment Center' }
  Util.extend(TestSubject, Person); // extends `TestSubject` from `Person`
  var you = new TestSubject('Chell', true); // creates an instance of `TestSubject`