Class Heap<T>

A max binary heap.

A heap data structure is a tree with the property that every parent node’s value is greater than or equal to (for a max heap) the values of its children nodes. (For a min heap, parents would be less than or equal to each of their children.) Every node in a binary heap has 2 children or less. Being a tree, every node in a heap has exactly one parent, with the exception of the root node, which has no parent.



T the type of node value in this Heap

Type Parameters

  • T


  • Construct a new Heap object.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • comparator: Comparator<T>

      a Comparator function comparing nodes’ values

    • Rest ...initial_items: readonly T[]

      any optional items to start with

    Returns Heap<T>


#internal: T[] = []

Internal implementation of this Heap.

This class is implemented with a JS Array, defining node relationships implicitly. Specifically, given a parent node with index i, its two child nodes have indices 2 * i + 1 and 2 * i + 2. Using an array is more performant than having nodes hold explicit references to their children.

comparator: Comparator<T>

a Comparator function comparing nodes’ values


  • get count(): number
  • The number of nodes in this Heap.

    Returns number


  • Parameters

    • index: number

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • index_a: number
    • index_b: number

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • index: number

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • index: number

    Returns void

  • Remove all nodes from this Heap.

    Returns this


  • Return a shallow copy of this Heap’s internal implementation. The returned array is only a copy, so mutating it will not mutate this Heap. However, the array’s items are the same references as this Heap’s nodes, so any mutations of them will be observed.

    Returns T[]

    a copy of this Heap’s array

  • Return the maximal node in this Heap, without modifying the Heap.

    Returns T

    the maximal node


    if this Heap is empty

  • Remove the maximal node from this Heap.

    Returns [Heap<T>, T]

    [this, node], where node is the maximal node


    if this Heap is empty

  • Add the given items to this Heap and return this Heap.


    • Rest ...nodes: readonly T[]

      the items to add

    Returns this


  • Remove the given node.


    • node: T

      the node to remove

    Returns [Heap<T>, T]

    [this, node], where node is the removed node


    if the node is not in this Heap


    if this Heap is empty

  • Remove the first node that satisfies the given predicate.


    • predicate: ((node, src) => boolean)

      a function to find nodes

        • (node, src): boolean
        • Parameters

          • node: T
          • src: this

          Returns boolean

    Returns [Heap<T>, T]

    [this, node], where node is the removed node


    if no node satisfies the predicate


    if this Heap is empty

  • Remove all of the given nodes.


    • nodes: readonly T[]

      the nodes to remove

    Returns [Heap<T>, T[]]

    [this, nodes], where nodes is a list of the removed nodes


    if this Heap is empty

  • Remove all nodes that satisfy the given predicate.


    • predicate: ((node, src) => boolean)

      a function to find nodes

        • (node, src): boolean
        • Parameters

          • node: T
          • src: this

          Returns boolean

    Returns [Heap<T>, T[]]

    [this, nodes], where nodes is a list of the removed nodes


    if this Heap is empty

  • Reorders the nodes in this Heap to a valid arrangement. Should be called whenever one or more nodes have changed/mutated in a way that affects this Heap’s “max heap” property (that is, that every node should be greater than its children). If the nodes are already in a valid order, nothing is changed.

    Returns this
