Xmeter Style Guide

3.3 #Objects.Grid The Grid Object

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The Grid Object is similar to the Flex Object except that it can be controlled in two dimensions.

It has the structure of a list in that all items share the same container (unlike tables where cells might not share the same row), while at the same time appearing like a table with rows and columns.

The Grid Object has one column at 1fr, unless overridden. Using CSS Grid properties and media queries, you can achieve a flexible and responsive table effect, adjusting the number of columns and rows based on screen size and/or content.

See https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/complete-guide-grid/ for details.

Chris Harvey
  • Burns & McDonnell Engineering
  • DIS-TRAN Steel, LLC
  • EDM International
  • Electrical Consultants, Inc.
  • Fabrimet Inc.
  • Falcon Steel Company
  • Sabre-FWT
  • HDR
  • Mitas Energy
  • Power Consulting Associates, LLC
  • Power Line Systems, Inc.
  • Quanta Services
  • ReliaPOLE Inspection Services
  • Sabre-FWT
  • SAE Towers
  • TAPP Steel Poles
  • Trinity Meyer Utility Structures
  • TRC Engineers
  • Underground Devices
  • Valmont Newmark
<!--link rel="stylesheet" href="/node_modules/xmeter/css/dist/o-Grid.css"/-->
<ul class="o-List o-Grid">
  <li class="o-List__Item o-Grid__Item">Burns &amp; McDonnell Engineering</li>
  <li class="o-List__Item o-Grid__Item">DIS-TRAN Steel, LLC</li>
  <li class="o-List__Item o-Grid__Item">EDM International</li>
  <li class="o-List__Item o-Grid__Item">Electrical Consultants, Inc.</li>
  <li class="o-List__Item o-Grid__Item">Fabrimet Inc.</li>
  <li class="o-List__Item o-Grid__Item">Falcon Steel Company</li>
  <li class="o-List__Item o-Grid__Item">Sabre-FWT</li>
  <li class="o-List__Item o-Grid__Item">HDR</li>
  <li class="o-List__Item o-Grid__Item">Mitas Energy</li>
  <li class="o-List__Item o-Grid__Item">Power Consulting Associates, LLC</li>
  <li class="o-List__Item o-Grid__Item">Power Line Systems, Inc.</li>
  <li class="o-List__Item o-Grid__Item">Quanta Services</li>
  <li class="o-List__Item o-Grid__Item">ReliaPOLE Inspection Services</li>
  <li class="o-List__Item o-Grid__Item">Sabre-FWT</li>
  <li class="o-List__Item o-Grid__Item">SAE Towers</li>
  <li class="o-List__Item o-Grid__Item">TAPP Steel Poles</li>
  <li class="o-List__Item o-Grid__Item">Trinity Meyer Utility Structures</li>
  <li class="o-List__Item o-Grid__Item">TRC Engineers</li>
  <li class="o-List__Item o-Grid__Item">Underground Devices</li>
  <li class="o-List__Item o-Grid__Item">Valmont Newmark</li>
Source: _o-Grid.less, line 7