This repo is specifically designed for using colors from the Solarized and Lunarized color schemes. These color schemes were originally designed for displaying computer code, though they can be applied literally anywhere. Import them into any project to use the variables and classes in your codebase.
Each color scheme contains 16 colors total, shared among two modes:
- Dark mode
- medium-light text (Base0)
- light emphasis (Base1)
- dark de-emphasis (Base01)
- darker highlight (Base02)
- darkest background (Base03)
- Light mode
- medium-dark text (Base00)
- dark emphasis (Base01)
- light de-emphasis (Base1)
- lighter highlight (Base2)
- lightest background (Base3)
Of the 16 colors in each scheme, there are 8 base colors and 8 accent colors:
- Bases
- dull tones
- foreground, emphasis, de-emphasis, highlight, background
- interchanged based on the mode
- Accents
- sharp tones
- syntax highlighting
- remain constant, independent of mode
The Colors
Solarized Color Scheme
Solarized Base03
#002b36 -bc-s03 -c-s03 -rc-s03
Solarized Base02
#073642 -bc-s02 -c-s02 -rc-s02
Solarized Base01
#586e75 -bc-s01 -c-s01 -rc-s01
Solarized Base00
#657b83 -bc-s00 -c-s00 -rc-s00
Solarized Base0
#839496 -bc-s0 -c-s0 -rc-s0
Solarized Base1
#93a1a1 -bc-s1 -c-s1 -rc-s1
Solarized Base2
#eee8d5 -bc-s2 -c-s2 -rc-s2
Solarized Base3
#fdf6e3 -bc-s3 -c-s3 -rc-s3
Solarized Red
#dc322f -bc-sr -c-sr -rc-sr
Solarized Orange
#cb4b16 -bc-so -c-so -rc-so
Solarized Yellow
#b58900 -bc-sy -c-sy -rc-sy
Solarized Green
#859900 -bc-sg -c-sg -rc-sg
Solarized Cyan
#2aa198 -bc-sc -c-sc -rc-sc
Solarized Blue
#268bd2 -bc-sb -c-sb -rc-sb
Solarized Violet
#6c71c4 -bc-sv -c-sv -rc-sv
Solarized Magenta
#d33682 -bc-sm -c-sm -rc-sm
Lunarized Color Scheme
Lunarized Base03
#360b00 -bc-l03 -c-l03 -rc-l03
Lunarized Base02
#421307 -bc-l02 -c-l02 -rc-l02
Lunarized Base01
#755f58 -bc-l01 -c-l01 -rc-l01
Lunarized Base00
#836d65 -bc-l00 -c-l00 -rc-l00
Lunarized Base0
#968583 -bc-l0 -c-l0 -rc-l0
Lunarized Base1
#a19393 -bc-l1 -c-l1 -rc-l1
Lunarized Base2
#d5dbee -bc-l2 -c-l2 -rc-l2
Lunarized Base3
#e3eafd -bc-l3 -c-l3 -rc-l3
Lunarized Cyan
#23cdd0 -bc-lc -c-lc -rc-lc
Lunarized Blue
#34b4e9 -bc-lb -c-lb -rc-lb
Lunarized Indigo
#4a76ff -bc-li -c-li -rc-li
Lunarized Violet
#7a66ff -bc-lv -c-lv -rc-lv
Lunarized Red
#d55e67 -bc-lr -c-lr -rc-lr
Lunarized Orange
#d9742d -bc-lo -c-lo -rc-lo
Lunarized Yellow
#938e3b -bc-ly -c-ly -rc-ly
Lunarized Green
#2cc97d -bc-lg -c-lg -rc-lg